Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Alien isn't eating.  This is the third day he cannot eat because he needs $200 to have most of his teeth taken out and to combat a horrible infection he has.  I wish I had the funds to let him have this surgery done at the vet but I do not. :(   It is very hard to see this beautiful kitty suffer......over $200.   It is hurting me that I don't have it.   Of all the times to be completely broke...:(

Today he was given a B-12 shot, an IV with fluids and an antibiotic, in the hopes that it will stimulate him to eat but he  can't eat.  I even used my juicer to make his food liquid....not working because it gets in the sores..
Here is our Paypal link for Alien's teeth:

Please help this sweet beautiful kitty.  If everyone gave $5 or$10, we would have enough to give this kitty every chance and let him survive.   He will not be alive very,very soon.....he isn't eating!

Alien has a badly infected mouth and needs almost all of his teeth pulled which is going to cost $200.00.
Today he was given a B-12 shot, an IV with fluids and an antibiotic, in the hopes that it will stimulate him to eat.
He is lying on the couch and still not feeling well. I have to try and feed him soon so please pray he will eat. He can't go on much longer without eating. He really does need his teeth taken out.

Please donate for him. His life is depending on your help.

If everyone would give $5 or $10 for Alien to see the vet, we could take him today....before it is too late. I am holding him and sitting here, all bloodied up because he is in so much pain from his mouth.....and he is fighting me and the syringe....I am a mess....tears....I will gladly show the vet bill to you and refund if it does not come to this amount...this makes me want to stop rescue....this hurts seeing this kitty not be able to eat....PLEASE HELP THIS SWEET KITTY.   We are having a hard time opening his mouth but the injury goes much further back.

Here is our Paypal link for Alien's teeth: